Saturday, April 6, 2013

Nap time and toddlers

After the last couple weeks I've been researching naps in toddlers, I mean my daughter has always been a great napper but lately she just wont have it. She doesn't fuss, cry, or even get mad that I lay her down, as a matter of fact it is the opposite she asks to and says she is tired but just sits in her bed and plays. This had me torn, was she ready to stop napping or should I keep encouraging them despite the not sleeping.

Since this has been on my plate of the "everyday mother" tasks lately I thought I'd share my thoughts and research in hopes to help some of you with your non-napper.

While doing some research I found this Web MD guide to napping for toddlers and it has many great points. Some I found even more so encouraging was the "You can't force anyone to take a nap, but you can create the environment for sleep," especially with my daughter seemingly easing out of a nap lately this was nice to see. 

As I mentioned before, she lately just wont seem to sleep. BUT, a major point I want to bring out is probably what is most important in this post. See I noticed her not sleeping but if I don't lay her down she is cranky by the evening. She is 29mo old and having a 1 year old son who is on a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon from 2:30-5 or 5:30 I REALLY enjoy their naps which has been for several months now same time, around the same length give or take a little. It gives me cleaning time, dinner prep time or my favorite... my own personal chill time. YAY! Now, you may laugh or think it's silly but if you are a stay at home mommy as well you know that this time can be crucial to your own well being and sanity. Without a doubt being a mom is the most amazing, rewarding, blessed job I have ever had and ever wish to have. You just can't get any better than this. So all of that brings me back to the major part o this blog, if your toddler all of the sudden stops taking a nap, staying in the routine since they are used to the laying down portion is good. Giving them the regular routine and letting them maybe have a few toys that you feel safe leaving in the bed with them (i.e. stuffed animals without the marble eyes, soft books etc.) and let them lay and play quietly.  

This next article is also one I found helpful. This quote ""If your child is refusing to nap because she says she's not sleepy, make sure she still gets some quiet time," says Claire Lerner, L.C.S.W., a child-development specialist at Zero To Three, a Washington, D.C., organization that promotes the health and welfare of young children." is something that helped me make the decision to continue the "quiet time" with my Annabelle. Also, to my surprise when I leave her in there despite her being awake and playing (all quietly) she will eventually fall asleep and get a short nap. With this quiet time I have noticed some great improvements, she gets her rest even though she isn't sleeping the entire time, if any, and I still get some down time as well. Allowing her to have that time she is happy and her normal bubbly self in the evenings even though she isn't napping like she used to. 

All children are different, and many toddlers are so incredibly adamant on NOT napping or sleeping, I have been quite blessed to never have a huge problem with this. Aside from the original getting over the letting her cry it out sleeping in her own room that I had a harder time with than her, she has been great at night and naps. My son does wonderful as well. That being said, I am not naive enough to think that going on 3 years old the naps aren't soon going to become a thing of the past for her, but in my opinion the rest she gets from having down time and quiet time in her room with a few baby dolls and soft books is the perfect transition from her every day naps to the big girl she is becoming.  

Never think your tot isn't a normal child if they are ready to not nap sooner than others, just make sure they are ready and not just resistant. Our schedule is our schedule, it works great both because of our daily routine and my sons sleep habits as well but that doesn't mean that it will be your schedule. When you decide what is right for you and your little one I hope these articles and this post that helped me in some decision making will also help you either as the knowledge they provide or reassurance to what you already considered. Just remember, if your toddler is starting to not sleep as much as they had for naps, the quiet time is a great transition and help into easing them into going the whole day without sleep and you may be surprised at their drifting off to sleep anyhow.

Enjoy your little one, the little things they do even when they drive you crazy, the time and days go so fast. These are the moments to hold onto in your hearts forever!

My little angel pretend napping while we were playing in her room.

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