Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cooking with love...

Today I wanted to share something for those wondering why they "can't" cook. See, I've always been taught cooking skills from my mom to my Grammy and my grandma and now I am still learning from my mother-in-law and her mom as well. Skills in the kitchen are not just being able to follow recipes it is learning what goes with what, what the people you are cooking for enjoy and yes, I believe you can "cook with love". Going back to the first thing I can remember learning how to cook without a recipe or anything was my grandmas biscuits, I still don't have a recipe and I will always think grandmas are better but I remember being so young sitting on the counter getting so excited to learn and to cook with her. Thinking about it, as a matter of fact makes me tear up a little. She and my papa are recently in a home for Alzheimer's due to my papa's memory not being where it should and one of the biggest things that broke both her heart, and his was that she couldn't cook anymore. They don't have a kitchen just a little kitchenette area and for the past 60plus years my grandma has prepared 95% of their meals, also serving my dad and his 5 brothers and she hates not being able to do so anymore. Growing up, and still she continues to be an inspiration to me in cooking and crochet and overall being an amazing wife, mother and christian lady. In my life I've been blessed with many godly women, my Grammy and my mom have always been such great examples as well. You see we traveled allot and my mom and I were always great friends and her personality and creativity have ever so much worn off on me and I couldn't be prouder. She showed me so many everyday skills and traits that have helped and continue to do so each day. The keeping up with toddlers, housework and everyday activities is something learned and my mom was an amazing example of how to do it all. And Grammy and my mom both showed me how to do cakes, one of my most enjoyable things to do is experiment and create awesome cakes/cupcakes and so on, and I learned what I know from them. 

You see, cooking is not and never will be just about the ingredients, it is about the enjoyment that goes into it. Some nights my husband cooks, he enjoys it and I enjoy the break from time to time but cooking is and always will be a favorite activity to me. My daughter already loves it too, I mean who doesn't. If you take time to learn and create you will be able to come up with amazing dishes too. What makes cooking enjoyable is seeing and tasting the finished product and being satisfied (and sometimes tasting along the way) and I'll always believe that cooking can be taught and creating things in the kitchen you can learn thru love and enjoyment of cooking. Yes, cook with love, with your heart :) and never, NEVER give up or think you are hopeless, I'm sure even the best cooks have meals that just don't come out right sometimes, I know I do and it stinks but I know how fun it is when things come out right so I keep on trying.

Keep cooking everyone and check out some of my recipes I've shared along the blog. :)

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