Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My prayers are with Boston and the victims of the recent Attacks.

Our prayers are with Boston, may the light shine brighter with each day to come!
Good afternoon my dear friends, as I write this blog post it is with deep sorrow for the victims of the recent bombing attacks in Boston. As an adult I remember quite clear the reactions and the events of 9/11 when I was a child. This, is another event that will go down in history as a sad, sad day. There isn't a huge death toll, but many injured, and many affected. The few that did lose their lives, let us not minimize the pain the families must feel due to the lack of large death toll, I cannot imagine and my heart goes out to them all.

As I began this blog it was never intended to be one of serious, sad or really any type of news topic but this I find to be of much importance in the lives of Americans.

Here Is a video I found that describes some of the sad details and some about the people who have and are helping. VIDEO HERE

As I read and look through all the graphic photos and headlines all I can think is my children are going to see the world worse and worse each coming year. Without some dire change this world is headed to a dark place. The thought that someone, whether afar or on our own turf would be so cruel breaks my heart. Though I cannot claim to know all sorts of things on war and politics, I do know and have seen a change in humanity in just my life time. The simpler days when kids could play outside without the fear of being taken or could go to school without fear of being shot, those are days I pray return. Yes, I know that this is likely never to happen and the decline in humanity seems to be so fast now but still, how lovely would that be?

Humanity is not hopeless though, we all must know that. Changes or not, there is and always will be some good in people. As evil as this world gets I believe there will still be a positive people in the world. In the midst of everything that happened in Boston and as the shock still sets in that there has been yet more attacks on our own soil I found a page via a friends Facebook share that I found so touching. This is something that will bring tears to your eyes and bring back lost hope in the people of today's world. CHECK OUT THESE AMAZING HEROES HERE!

Now, I must add this as well, we are all sharing and posting "Prayers for Boston" images and such, please PLEASE truly pray for them, the families, the friends, the rescue, fire, police, first responders, and everyday heroes that had to endure that day, that tragedy. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." In no way can we understand, or grasp the evil and cruelty in some people, but we can always find hope and encouragement from our Lord Jesus Christ! Trust and believe in Him, and Him only!

God Bless and Prayers are with the victims and families! And prayers are most definitely going up for our country as a whole!
Elizabeth B.

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