Friday, February 14, 2014

"One in a minion" Valentines 2014

This week has been a whole lot of fun, we have had a good bit of snow for our parts and playing with the kids was wonderful. So, at the end of it all we ended up doing our Valentines last minute and though this wasn't our original plan, it turned out pretty cute.

Minion sticks and baked sugar cookies... The cookies are always a hit when kids can help bake, at least my kids, they LOVE to bake. Also, they LOOOOVE Despicable me so we wanted to do something little to do with that too that they could help with and they really enjoy crafts. Of any kind!

Here are some photos of what we did, maybe it will give you an idea of something you can enjoy doing with your own children or do the same as we did! It was incredibly easy (except clean up lol)!

First we baked allot of sugar cookies, and yes I make home made sugar cookies and all but when baking with the kids we sometimes just choose the simple route and we did a cookie mix.


Next we made some adorable little minion sticks... "Your one in a minion" I wrote on it and they could help paint, put eyes on etc what ever you want to let the little ones help with. These self stick googly-eyes are great and I had everything needed on hand. All you need is a sharpie, large popsicle sticks, yellow paint and googly eyes! Minions have some crazy hair so just play with it with a marker and make some fun different faces.

We did little handmade tags with some yellow paper (for the minions) cut into hearts and just wrote the to/from on it!

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