Thursday, January 17, 2013

Whats for dinner?... Stuffed portobello, Easy glazed carrots & rice with gravy!

So, what's for dinner? Last night we had one of my husbands (and my daughters) favorites, stuffed portobello mushrooms! Now keep in mind, this is one of my own recipe/creation so there is no exact science to my cooking. I don't generally measure things but I am going to put down what is in it and the amount I try to stay around I trust you can use your judgement if it needs a little more or less. I LOVE to cook, and so these post's will be ideas and things we came up with or recipes we use to create the meals we enjoy. If you have any questions on anything you can surely ask!

Teriyaki Stuffed Portobello
4 large portobello mushrooms
1lb hamburger
1bag mozzarella shredded cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
Garlic salt
1 medium onion
1/2c teriyaki (see bellow for brand but any will probably do)
1/4 c soy sauce
4tbsp minced garlic
1tomato diced

First off, I washed the mushroom and pulled the stems out (save them for the gavy) then in an 11x13 pan I drizzled some olive oil and used a pastry brush to coat the bottom of the pan. Put the mushrooms in the pan stem side up.

Next, in a large sauce pan, saute 1 onion and the 1lb hamburger meat together with 2 tbsp minced garlic and 1 tbsp garlic salt. (Portobello mushrooms are great as the "meat" of a meal, but, husband is quite the fan of meat so most meals will include necessary or not lol... oh, and we are ALL lovers of garlic so you can expect to see that in most every meal)

Once the meat is browned and the onions translucent add in approx. 1/8c Soy and 1/4c Teriyaki sauce (this kind pictured has a GREAT flavor and we use it quite often but if you have one you like I'm sure it'll do the trick). Then let simmer for about 5 minutes on medium heat. Add salt to taste.
While the meat, onion mixture simmer top all of the mushrooms with about 1/8c chz per mushroom
Once the meat mixture is thru simmering spoon mixture onto mushrooms. (it's ok if a little of the mixture is left in the pan, you'll use the same pan to make your gravy)
Let the mushrooms sit aside for a few minutes. In the same pan as the meat mixture add approx. 4c water and 2 bullion cubes.
Cut up the stems that were pulled from the mushrooms and add them to the pan as well. Add approx 1tbsp salt, 2tsp garlic salt and 2 tbsp minced garlic. Once the bullion is dissolved good add 1/4c teriyaki sauce and 1/8c soy sauce then mix 1c cold water with 2tbsp corn starch and add to the mixture, bring to boil and cook until thicken slightly. Add more to your preference of "thickness" for gravy.
Once the gravy is to your preference (you may need to add a little salt, I tend to under-guess my salt allot due to I need more salt then most people so I dont want to tell you too much and it be too salty). At this point, spoon a small amount of gravy on each mushroom and top again with cheese.

Top the mushrooms and cheese with the diced tomato.
Bake at 350 for approx 15minutes or until you can see the mushroom side soften and start to fall a little.

We served with rice and extra gravy and some easy glazed carrots.
2 cans sliced carrots (mostly drained)
1/8c brown sugar
1/4 c teriyaki sauce
Cook the carrots approx 5 min and then add teriyaki and brown sugar, cook an additional 5 minutes. Voila!

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