Friday, July 5, 2013

Dry erase re-usable tracing number book. Quiet toddler toy.

Teaching toddlers to write can (and is) tricky. Especially when you want to teach them specifics and they just want to draw. If your child is anything like mine, tracing is a great, FUN way to work with them but this also makes you go thru lots of paper so I made something so we could avoid that. 

So simple and yet it becomes a teaching tool and hours of fun for your child. All you need is card stock paper, contact paper, markers, hole punch, scissors and either pipe cleaners or the key rings you pull apart.

For the paper, either cut into 4's (half and then half again) or you can fold and then tear them (which is what I did because it is easier for me to get it straight). Write with the markers a title page (you can see mine below), and write the numbers, one per page, with lines for tracing. After all numbers are written down cut a large piece of contact paper and another the same size. Laying all of the papers down on sticky side and then covering with the other sheet of contact paper. Press down well to get out all air bubbles and then using the scissors cut around the edge of each card and hole punch two holes in center of top or one in top left corner and put ring or pipe cleaners thru. Add a dry erase marker and voila! The kid love it. We keep it in our daughters church bag and she gets so excited when she sees it, and at 2.5 she is doing great learning to trace her numbers. We also have an ABC one I am working on and will share with you soon.

Note: they do make washable dry erase markers, I highly suggest these for the younger toddlers because even when they are good at writing on paper they forget and that way you can make clean up easier.

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