Monday, February 25, 2013

Breakfast time. Pancakes.

UPDATED 2-5-14
Ok so everyone wants/needs a good go to pancake recipe. The kind you generally always have the stuff for, can add in fruits, chocolate chips, nuts or whatever to. Well, this is it for us. Last week my niece, nephew and sister in law were able to spend allot of time with us, including breakfast most mornings of the week and when I asked them what they wanted for breakfast my niece Julia chose pancakes so that's what we had and apparently they liked them cause she kept wanting them thru the week. Hey, it made auntie ellie feel good! My son loves any food pretty much any time of day but my daughter wants only fruit for breakfast ( which is healthy so I kind of cater to that) so we don't usually do big breakfasts they get fruit, cereal, eggs stuff like that allot but last week I think my daughter Annabelle discovered a new favorite, pancakes! They all enjoyed them and she ate something other than only fruit for breakfast for the first time in months ;)
Pancakes: ( yield 10-12 pancakes)
2c self rising flour
1/3c sugar
1tbsp vanilla
1tsp salt
2 eggs
1 1/4c milk
butter or spray for cooking
Mix well everything except butter in a large bowl. Melt butter in pan and cook pancakes on medium heat until bubbly then flip. I used a 1/3 c measuring cup to spoon into pan.
Like I said before this is a great recipe either standing alone or with some add-ins and today since my kids love fruits I added in 1 1/2 bananas diced up, I didn't have walnuts but they would have been great too.
One last note, pancakes are a great, GREAT make ahead breakfast for busy mornings. I have done this many times, make a large batch and freeze in freezer bags then when you want just heat up in microwave or on a cookie sheet in the oven.
Hope you enjoy!

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