Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Zaccheaus Sunday school lesson and craft!

Lately, my daughters favorite song is "Zaccheaus was a wee little man..." With that, it's been on my mind allot (of course) so it's ended up being a Sunday school lesson recently which turned out quite well. 
For the lesson: Luke 19:1-10 kjv
Zaccheaus was a small stature man so he couldn't see the Lord. Like with kids, sometimes views are blocked. The goal is, don't let anything stop you from seeing the Lord, tho it may be easy to say I can't or I'm not ... Enough, we are to (like Zachaeus did) move ahead and do what we need to do for the Lord. 
Zaccheaus climbed up in a sycamore tree to be able to see. He was NOT a popular man, as a tax collector and a crooked one at that, people didn't like him. However, the Lord past that way and looked up in the tree an told zaccheaus to quickly come down. Jesus was going to go to his house. 
All the people were bothered and talked about Zachaeus was a sinner. Now, zaccheaus was saved tho and said he was going to return what he took from people unmerited, and return it fourfold. Below you can see the craft we did, cut outs, glue and writing captions next to the scenes it shows a brief storyline of the zaccheaus story. Enjoy and God bless. 

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