Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring-time finger paint crafts, our Easter!

A little late I know, but, I hope that EVERYONE had an amazing Easter. What an amazing holiday? Not only is it a reminder of our Lord Jesus' love for us but we can celebrate that He did indeed RISE again after his crucifixion on the cross for our sins. May we always remember, all year the sacrifice and the love He has and shows us. 

Now, on to our Easter celebration that included a couple cute little crafts for the kiddos, and of course hunting eggs and dieing them too! And who forgets, CAKE! You can find more on my Easter/Spring Rabbit cake HERE!

First, I'll share the paint crafts we did then you can feel free to see the pictures that tell the story of the rest of the weekend of fun with family quite well!

Craft time:
For the girls we did Aprons, my little girl and niece absolutely LOVE to help in the kitchen and of course their own special apron that THEY made, well that makes it all the more fun for them.
Before we began I painted the stem to the flower and their name. Depending on the child's age you could do this at the time of the craft but I found this worked so we could keep it short and sweet with the paint in case they got tired of it. Didn't want to push it with them but you know the kids you are working with so you be the judge. Suprisingly, all 4 that I got to work with (niece, nephew and my 2) had a blast with it!

Oh and just to add, the aprons are 4-5.00 at Hobby Lobby and fabric paint about 3.00/bottle, so it is a cheap fun craft!

The apron before the hand print, which will serve as the flower on the stem!

 Now for the boys, we simply did some cute little t-shirts for spring time, and they look adorable on. Since it is for the boys we didn't do a flower for theirs but before hand I did write their name and Spring 2013, they did hand prints!
The 'before' shirt.

 And... Who can forget the egg dying time!
Great tip for making it less mess to clean up, do it out side in the GRASS, kids love it out side anyhow! Oooh, and as you can see in these pictures we used a no spill egg cup (due to younger age, so they can have more control) I got at walmart. They by no means DONT spill but they definately keep the spills down and make it much easier. Still count on a little mess but it wont be as bad and as they do spill some it holds most of the water in the cup so that they can keep on dying!


And here, feel free to check out all the great fun we had with the Easter egg hunt and baskets through all the pictures below! You will also find all the pictures of the painting fun we had!


All the kiddos took turns rolling down the hill with my husband too!

God Bless and Happy SPRING TIME! 

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