Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's for dinner? Spinach lasagna

Spinach lasagna is one of my husbands absolute favorite meals, AND one of the few meals he really enjoys without meat involved. One thing he has always liked is creamed spinach and we all love pasta so one day out of pure boredom in the "usual" dinners we have I wanted to try something different and this is what came out. This was probably 2 years ago and he still asks for it rather often. Also took this to a church fellowship at our great little country church and despite my being hesitant to take it (not like spinach is a universal favorite food) my husband told me I should cause it was really good and it was ALL gone. Had many people comment on how much they liked it which made me feel awesome cause I get such enjoyment out of cooking for people and it is the icing on the cake when they really like it. And, this week my husband had a birthday so I was asked to make it again for him and I finally wrote it all down to get a recipe for it. Also, this is a favorite of my kids too, they love anything with cheese, noodles and mushrooms!

Here I'm going to give you a list of all the ingredients then I'll separate it out to the sauce, filler to make it easier when you are making it. It may seem like allot of ingredients but it is really easy to make, trust me, with two little ones I love me some easy meals.

This is for a 9x13 pan

Combined list of ingredients:
About 8-12 lasagna noodles broken to pan size
1 lg onion, largely diced
12 oz (approx 4c) mushrooms roughly chopped
1.5 tbsp + 1tsp garlic salt
2.5 tsp nutmeg
1.5 tsp chili powder
5-6tbsp olive oil
2tbsp minced garlic
2 10oz blocks frozen spinach (or about 5c fresh)
 2.5tbsp butter
2.5tbsp flour
3.5c milk
4tbsp Parmesan + extra for topping
1/2tbsp salt
6 1/4c mozzarella

Here are the ingredients separated out and the directions:
Boil Noodles to al-dente, set aside.
2.5 tbsp butter
2.5 tbsp flour
3.5c milk
4 tbsp Parmesan
1/2 tbsp salt
1 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp nutmeg
Melt butter in sauce pan until bubbly then add the flour whisking quickly keeping it on the heat. Once it starts to thicken (which will happen quickly) and turns a light brown color add the milk and quickly whisk so there are no lumps. Stir in salt, garlic salt, chili powder, nutmeg and cheese and continue to cook over medium high heat. Stir frequently. The sauce will act similar to gravy and will thicken while cooking until removed from heat so once it reaches a smooth consistency and the thickness of an Alfredo type sauce remove from heat.
1 large onion, largely diced
12oz mushrooms (about 4c)
1.5tbsp garlic salt
1.5tsp nutmeg
1tsp chili powder
5tbsp olive oil
2tbsp minced garlic
2 10oz blocks frozen spinach thawed or about 5c fresh
In a large saucepan saute the onions and mushrooms with the olive oil until onions are translucent and mushrooms start shrinking and are tender. Add spinach, garlic salt, chili powder, nutmeg, minced garlic and cook together about 5-10 minutes. Stirring frequently. 

Now for the fun part, putting it together. :) 
This is the order of layering:
-2/3c sauce to cover bottom of 9x13 glass pan
-2/3c sauce
-1/2 of the filling
-2c mozzarella
-2/3c sauce 
-Second 1/2 of filling
-2c mozzarella
-Remainder sauce
-2c mozzarella
-Sprinkle Parmesan on top.
 Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until lightly browned.
(If coming from the fridge like I suggest below, increase cook time about 15 minutes)

Now if you are anything like me, you like things that are easy to make ahead of time and throw in the oven when it is time for dinner. I've been blessed with 2 great nappers, both of my kiddos take about a 3 hour nap in the afternoon, and at the same time too, how awesome is that? It gives me great "chill" time for cleaning, cooking and prepping supper, reading, crochet, crafts, or whatever I decide I want to do. This is one of the meals I love because I can prep it and have it in the fridge ready to go in the oven when my husband gets off AND have the kitchen cleaned and dishes from cooking done for easy cleanup later.
Ta-DA! A clean kitchen with lasagna prepped!

You could make this a day or two ahead of time and have in the fridge, if you do I'd suggest increasing the cook time about 15 minutes to make sure it heats thoroughly.


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