Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My weight loss journey... and INSANITY

Wanted to share something for those who may be considering a work out plan, routine or however you would like to call it. After having 2 babies 12months apart (yes I know some of you are thinking I'm crazy and that's fine but I count myself VERY blessed) I needed to lose weight. When I say I needed to lose weight I don't mean 10 or 15 pounds I needed to lose like 55 to be where I was happy. Doctors didn't tell me to but there was no better time to get rid of the weight I had gained both following a miscarriage, the small period of depression afterwards and 2 following pregnancies. My body had left, and when I say that I mean I let it go, after the miscarriage I didn't really care about my body and my first pregnancy I ate ALL the time. Now, with my second pregnancy, my son, I didn't gain but about 15lbs which was right at the edge of not enough, they were telling me to try to gain which was a whole new territory for me lol. Both pregnancies ended in bed rest, my second was 12 LONG weeks of it and I was going crazy wanting to just go for a walk, something, not to mention I was so heartbroken that I couldn't be the "mom" my still baby girl (under 1) needed me to be. Long story short, my son was delivered via emergency c-section at 33 weeks so this was a time of worry and concern and I must say such a hard time watching him and leaving him in the NICU for a month straight hooked up to machines helping him breath and so on (this is a long story and so I'll skip the details and get back to the weight loss part). This threw another excuse up there for me to gain weight. At this point though, I was stressed passed the "don't know what to do" stage and so this time I took a little more control, for some reason I tend to do better under pressure in stead of the usual opposite. I started dieting the normal 6 weeks after delivery and following the release from my surgery I started workouts slowly. Starting with doing allot of the elliptical because that's something I enjoy (and I had one at home) to doing some home work out videos and things along those lines... A stay at home mom with 2 kids ages 2 and infant doesn't really leave time for gym's or what not so this was all on me, I had to figure out a way to do it from my living room.

I did several workout videos until they became easy (and I don't mean easy as in they didn't work just felt like I wasn't pushing myself anymore). Then there came INSANITY, my lovely husband saw a commercial and told me about some people at work he heard talking about it so I looked it up, and some times I wish he never mentioned it but other times (after I'm done lol) I LOVE IT! It is hard, and most definitely not for beginners as it says several times too but it is worth it! Never thought I would be able to even hang in there with it but I did, even had to get a rag to wipe sweat while I was doing it and I drank SO much water. Even purchased a heart rate monitor. But, again, it is WORTH IT! This was not the end of my weight loss but I can guarantee you I wouldn't be anywhere close without it. Within about 6 months (including the Insanity time period) I lost over 30lbs. I was so incredibly proud of myself, my determination, motivation, everything that helped me reach that point. Then, seemingly like one thing after another we had some life changes and I let myself get side tracked... blah blah blah, nothing that I couldn't have pushed thru had I worked even harder, but I didn't. 

Now, if you remember from the beginning, I needed to lose 55lbs and I had only completed 30... So, I am now feeling as if I'm starting over, which I'm not but it feels like that because I stopped for several months. Just a few days ago I started back with Insanity, not without my doubts creeping back up but I started. I am not a quitter and I WILL finish this goal. I have to lose this weight and FINALLY be able to say I am where I want to be not where anyone else thinks I'm good at but where I can look at myself in the mirror and feel confident about what I see. Never had a perfect body, but it was mine and I want it back! :)

I write all this now to hopefully encourage some of you who are considering a weight loss journey beginning or trying to find the motivation to NOT quit! DON'T, if your thinking about quitting before you reach your goal, just don't, I can tell you from experience you will not be satisfied until you reach your goal. However, never set an unreasonable or unhealthy goal for yourself, evaluate it, make it something that makes sense both for your health and for your confidence in appearance. And if reaching your goal compromises your health, then yes, stop and reevaluate! Health should always be first, do not compromise your health to reach a goal that is not right for you or to be skinnier. Being skinny isn't the goal, being healthy and confident is. Make sure you do that, I cannot stress enough that your health needs to come first, don't compromise that and as insanity suggests, seek medical advice before starting a routine as vigorous as it is.

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